Stem cells

One of the new horizons in medicine series

Each resource consists of a poster and a set of teaching materials that includes information, classroom activities and quizzes. Full size posters can be ordered from the ABPI site or downloaded in pdf format.

The learning resource provides an overview of stem cells, explains differentiation, embryonic, adult and induced pluripotent stem cells, theraputic stem cell cloning and stem cells as potential treatment for heart disease and nerve damage.

 go to the ABPI page>


Stem cells exist naturally in the body to replace damaged cells and tissues.  Research into stem cells could allow:

  • the development of a treatment that allows people paralysed because of spinal injuries to walk again
  •  the possibility of growing replacement organs that are matched to the patient
  • genetic disorders to be studied and new drugs to treat them tested

None of these are readily available yet - but trials are underway to investigate whether they are possible.

 go to the ABPI page>