
  • The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry is the trade association for more than 75 companies in the UK
    The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry is the trade association for more than 75 companies in the UK
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  • The Association for Science Education (ASE) is the largest subject association in the UK for members involved in science education including teachers, technicians and others.
    The Association for Science Education (ASE) is the largest subject association in the UK for members involved in science education including teachers, technicians and others.
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  • The British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association represents the aerosol industry, from suppliers of components and ingredients to fillers and marketers of aerosol products.
    The British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association represents the aerosol industry, from suppliers of components and ingredients to fillers and marketers of aerosol products.
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  • The Copper Development Association provides information on copper's properties and applications, essentiality for health, role in technology and the quality of life.
    The Copper Development Association provides information on copper's properties and applications, essentiality for health, role in technology and the quality of life.
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  • Chilled Food Association
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  • Collins educational publishing continues to deliver up-to-date and engaging student resources and exceptional teacher support to help schools tackle new initiatives and utilise the latest technology.
    Collins educational publishing continues to deliver up-to-date and engaging student resources and exceptional teacher support to help schools tackle new initiatives and utilise the latest technology.
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  • The Earth Science Education Unit, based at Keele University, provides no fee INSET to teachers across England, Scotland and Wales, through workshops for schools
    The Earth Science Education Unit, based at Keele University, provides no fee INSET to teachers across England, Scotland and Wales, through workshops for schools
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  • ExxonMobil is the world’s leading nongovernmental energy company aiming to meet world energy demand in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible manner.
    ExxonMobil is the world’s leading nongovernmental energy company aiming to meet world energy demand in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible manner.
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  • geography southwest is a resource hub for students and teachers
    geography southwest
    geography southwest is a resource hub for students and teachers
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  • GlaxoSmithKline
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  • Gratnells tray storage and trolley systems
    Gratnells tray storage and trolley systems
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  • The IET Education 5-19 team runs an education service aimed at supporting teachers of science and technology and provides a range of curriculum support, resources and information for schools. We support partnerships organisations in the provision of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) resources and experiences for both teachers and students across the UK.
    The IET Education 5-19 team runs an education service aimed at supporting teachers of science and technology and provides a range of curriculum support, resources and information for schools. We support partnerships organisations in the provision of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) resources and experiences for both teachers and students across the UK.
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  • The Institute of Physics is a scientific charity devoted to increasing the practice, understanding and application of physics.
    Institute of Physics
    The Institute of Physics is a scientific charity devoted to increasing the practice, understanding and application of physics.
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  • Johnson Matthey is a speciality chemicals company focused on its core skills in catalysts, precious metals and speciality chemicals.
    Johnson Matthey
    Johnson Matthey is a speciality chemicals company focused on its core skills in catalysts, precious metals and speciality chemicals.
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  • NFU Education are a small team of former teachers, we understand the challenges faced by the profession
    NFU Education are a small team of former teachers, we understand the challenges faced by the profession
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  • Practical Action is a development charity which works closely with some of the world’s poorest people. Our Education website produces free, tried and tested primary and secondary resources that support the curriculum while giving a unique global dimension to lessons.
    Practical Action
    Practical Action is a development charity which works closely with some of the world’s poorest people. Our Education website produces free, tried and tested primary and secondary resources that support the curriculum while giving a unique global dimension to lessons.
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  • The RSC is the largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences.
    Royal Society of Chemistry
    The RSC is the largest organisation in Europe for advancing the chemical sciences.
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  • The Society for General Microbiology (SGM) is a membership organisation for scientists who work in all areas of microbiology. It is the largest learned microbiological society in Europe with a worldwide membership based in universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and schools. The SGM publishes key academic journals in microbiology and virology, organises international scientific conferences and provides an international forum for communication among microbiologists and supports their professional development. The Society promotes the understanding of microbiology to a diverse range of stakeholders, including policy-makers, students, teachers, journalists and the wider public, through a comprehensive framework of communication activities and resources.
    The Society for General Microbiology (SGM) is a membership organisation for scientists who work in all areas of microbiology. It is the largest learned microbiological society in Europe with a worldwide membership based in universities, industry, hospitals, research institutes and schools. The SGM publishes key academic journals in microbiology and virology, organises international scientific conferences and provides an international forum for communication among microbiologists and supports their professional development. The Society promotes the understanding of microbiology to a diverse range of stakeholders, including policy-makers, students, teachers, journalists and the wider public, through a comprehensive framework of communication activities and resources.
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  • Solarcentury is in business for a purpose: to make a meaningful difference in the fight against climate change.
    Solarcentury is in business for a purpose: to make a meaningful difference in the fight against climate change.
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  • Timstar is a premium supplier of science and laboratory equipment to the education market. We pride ourselves on providing products and services which inspire children to learn about science, offering excellent customer service, technical support and teaching resources.
    Timstar is a premium supplier of science and laboratory equipment to the education market. We pride ourselves on providing products and services which inspire children to learn about science, offering excellent customer service, technical support and teaching resources.
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  • VITTA Education is the home for scientific supplies direct to schools, colleges and universities
    VITTA Education is the home for scientific supplies direct to schools, colleges and universities
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  • whynotchemeng is the schools and careers campaign, coordinated by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), which promotes science and engineering as rewarding career choices to secondary school students.
    whynotchemeng is the schools and careers campaign, coordinated by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), which promotes science and engineering as rewarding career choices to secondary school students.
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  • Bring your pupils along for a visit at ZSL London Zoo and discover all that ZSL has to offer.
    ZSL London Zoo
    Bring your pupils along for a visit at ZSL London Zoo and discover all that ZSL has to offer.
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  • With so many different species housed at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, the UK's biggest zoo, your trip will be full of excitement.
    ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
    With so many different species housed at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, the UK's biggest zoo, your trip will be full of excitement.
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