Online Resources for Chemical Safety in Science Education, CheSSE, is a three-year ERASMUS+ project that started September 1st 2020.
Visit the CheSSE website>
The University of Oslo (Norway), the University of Helsinki (Finland), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), and Stockholm University (Sweden) run the project. The aim of CheSSE is to develop condensed, up-to date, online resources about chemical safety in science education. A desired long-term goal is that teachers feel competent and safe when handling chemicals and managing school laboratories.
The material will be developed through discussions and workshops, and published on this website, in the participating organizations’ languages and in English.
ASE have performed an ASE Green Tick quality assurance of to identify areas of strength and weakness of the content. The ASE Green Tick does not imply that ASE endorses this website; rather, the report provides suggestions on potential applications and how may contribute in teaching and learning. The time of the quality assurance of was October 2022.

Please note that CheSSE guidance is not intended for UK schools: Scottish schools should continue to follow SSERC safety guidance whilst schools in England, Wales and Northern Ireland should follow CLEAPSS guidance..