Dynamic science from Collins
Snap Science is an exciting whole-school resource offering comprehensive support from Foundation through to Year 6. The scheme is delivered through a printed Teaching Framework for each year and an online toolkit available on Collins Connect.
Clear progression through the ‘big ideas in science’ is visible within each topic and each module of Snap Science, and each lesson is based on a question encouraging children to think and work scientifically. Snap Science has been designed to help every child achieve with three levels of differentiated challenge in every lesson, making challenging concepts meaningful.
The online toolkit on Collins Connect includes tailored animations, videos, slideshows, interactives, lesson plans, assessment tasks and record keeping. Simple to use, it offers teachers flexibility to design their own teaching plan to suit their own class.
You can trust Snap Science – it’s been written by a team of curriculum, and science experts, led by the Primary Science Quality Mark (PSQM) National Director Jane Turner.
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Read the ASE review:
2014 Collins Snap Science SE.doc