Big Research Question: How can hydrogen fuel be produced safely in cars?

The future supply of fossil fuels is uncertain, and burning petrol and diesel in vehicles produces greenhouse gases and other pollutants. In this activity students consider how research into fuels derived from ammonia could be used to ensure future fuel security whilst reducing harmful emissions.
Curriculum key words: Chemical equations, chemical reactions, catalyst, fuel
Resource type: Lesson activity including presentation slides, student sheets, teacher notes and useful weblinks.
Ages: 14-18
How to use this resource
at the start of a topic to …
- engage students in a real life context relating to current research
- to find out what students already know
- consolidate existing understanding
at the end of a topic to…
- assess student understanding by challenging students to apply their learning to a new context
- to provide a contemporary example of how scientists are pushing the boundaries in understanding a subject area further
- add depth and challenge
within a topic to …
- enhance
students’ confidence in the analysis of data by providing the
opportunity to work with data types beyond those obtained in the school
- assess
student understanding of specific aspects of working with data (working
scientifically by applying their understanding in a new context)
- as an independent learning activity
- to promote careers in STEM and show the varied work of scientists
Image Credit: ChengH
Boeing image courtesy of Adambro