HIV Education Toolkit

Empower Students: End HIV Stigma

This is an education toolkit developed by young people living with HIV which enables teachers to educate students with the facts about HIV in an engaging way, and to inspire them to become the generation that ends HIV stigma.

It provides teachers with support for running sessions that support students to:
- Understand the basics of HIV
- Explore facts and myths about HIV
- Understand stigma
- Challenge stigma
- Commit to action

Download the resource> CHIVAtoolkit.pdf

For more information and resources about HIV, visit the CHIVA website

Many of the young people who use CHIVA services describe negative experiences when being taught about HIV in UK schools. They describe experiences where they have heard inaccurate information about HIV, such as misinformation about transmission.

Young people living with HIV can feel powerless in these situations and are fearful to speak out because of the stigma and discrimination they may face.

The toolkit helps address these issues. It is intended to be used alongside a screening of our award-winning short film ‘Life Growing Up’, which provides insights into the lived experiences of young people growing up with HIV in the UK.