Microorganisms and MicroTrumps

CFA has produced new and engaging resources to support teaching about microorganisms to primary pupils

The lesson resources include a lesson plan, PowerPoint presentation and pupil copy-masters. 

Lesson activities include hand washing for hygiene, playing MicroTrumps using CFA Top Trump cards and making MicroTrump cards based on research.

Sets of MicroTrump cards are available from the CFA website

 visit the CFA website

National Curriculum links

Year 2 Programme of Study: Animals, including humans:

• Pupils should be taught to describe the importance for humans of hygiene.

Year 6 Programme of Study: Living things and their habitats

•Pupils should be taught to describe how living things are classified into broad groups according to common observable characteristics and based on similarities and differences,including micro-organisms

To download the lesson resources, Click on the following link and choose the 'save' option.

  MicroTrumps resources.zip

To use the files from the Zip folder, you will need to extract them by right clicking on the folder and choosing the 'extract all' option.