OF.E and ASE Energy Resources Project

OurFuture.Energy are proud to be working in partnership with the Association for Science Education to produce some exciting new classroom resources

Energy resources are a key feature of the secondary curriculum and concepts link to other curricular areas within science and the wider curriculum. Exploring energy resources provides students with an insight into their future, as the world’s energy mix is likely to look very different in the coming decades as we tackle the challenges of climate change, a growing world population, and the need to connect over a billion people who currently don’t have access to electricity.

Project aims

  • To increase students’ awareness of energy issues that they will face during their lifetime, through exploration and evaluation of OFE and other web resources, and through discussion and argument with others;
  • To provide students with a stimulating and informative exploration of energy issues;
  • To evaluate possible local, national and global solutions to energy issues; and
  • To explore and stimulate interest in STEM careers related to the energy industry.


Overview of the resources

The resources comprise:

  • A teacher guide
  • A PowerPoint presentation supporting lesson delivery
  • Student guidance comprising:
  • PowerPoint presentation guidance and a sample poster presentation to model ‘What A Good One Looks Like (WAGOLL)’

Download the reources as a Zip file. Once dowloaded, save to folder, right click on it and choose 'Extract all'.

OF.E-ASE Lesson Resources.zip