Originally developed as an outreach activity, teachers can deliver these resources themselves
Downloadable materials include a PowerPoint, starter activity and all printed resources necessary to deliver an engaging 60-90 minute lesson.
The resources are aimed at pupils aged 7-14 working in teams as they learn about energy, energy resources and differences in energy access around the world. They go on to design and build their own wind turbine
The activity was originally designed to be
delivered by university engineering students from Engineers Without
Borders - UK as a schools outreach activity but has since been amended
so teachers can deliver directly without additional support. Through an
interactive starter activity pupils discover how energy access via the
National Grid differs between their own country and Kenya. They look at
renewable energy solutions and in the main activity have the
opportunity to design and build their own wind turbine.
They are designed for both primary and secondary students and are
suited to a 60 min or 90 minute session, but could be extended.
This is a perfect activity for a science or STEM club.
Visit the practical action website to download the materials
Please email schools@practicalaction.org.uk to request a free set of Practical Action's renewable energy posters to support this activity.