Editor: Tara Lievesley
Primary Science (PS) is the journal for primary members of the ASE and is published five times a year. Primary Science aims
to share information and ideas that support effective practice in
science education focused at the primary school level through transition
to early secondary education. It includes articles about
teaching, learning and assessing science for all children in the 3 – 12
year age range. Topics covered include selecting, adapting and managing
learning activities both within and outside the classroom, research
findings, adaptations for children with special needs, health and
safety, use of technology and other resources.
Contributions from classroom practitioners are encouraged. Letters,
opinion pieces, notes from other organisations and resource reviews are
also included. PS often publishes themed issues and recently these have
included: assessment, science and scientists, forces, gardens for life,
biodiversity, weather and science across the world.
Primary Science is also available by subscription
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