You and your community


Subject(s): PSHE | Design and technology

Resources included: Educator notes, Student workbook

Time: 120+ minutes

Target age range: 11-14.

This module is designed as an enquiry-based learning activity, giving students the opportunity to design their own learning. Students will be asked to come up with an enterprising idea that will help solve a public health problem in your local area. The workbook helps them to understand more about what public health is, research issues relevant to their community and develop a campaign that could help address the problem. It will encourage them to develop a range of skills which will help set them up for the future workplace, like problem-solving, creativity and teamwork.

Students can use the workbook independently. The educator notes
provide you with useful supporting information, like tips for delivering this module and some additional helpful resources to share with the class, should they need additional stimulus.

Educator notes and students workbook