Space science

  • The RAS outreach map aims to provide a link between teachers, educators and others involved in public engagement with astronomy, space science and geophysics, to individuals and organisations that may be able to assist by providing talks, workshops and mentors.
    RAS outreach astronomers and geophysicists
    The RAS outreach map aims to provide a link between teachers, educators and others involved in public engagement with astronomy, space science and geophysics, to individuals and organisations that may be able to assist by providing talks, workshops and mentors.
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  • These include lesson plans for teachers, other resources for the classroom as well as exercises and activities for home learning for both children and adults. Visit the website to arrange a school visit, classroom resources and much more!
    UK Space Agency resources
    These include lesson plans for teachers, other resources for the classroom as well as exercises and activities for home learning for both children and adults. Visit the website to arrange a school visit, classroom resources and much more!
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  • The Royal Museum Greenwich has a wealth of learning resources for schools. Visit the website to filter resources by subject Key Stage and research type or use the keyword serch bar.
    Royal Museums Greenwich
    The Royal Museum Greenwich has a wealth of learning resources for schools. Visit the website to filter resources by subject Key Stage and research type or use the keyword serch bar.
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  • The British Association of Planetaria is pleased to bring you the 2022 Moon calendar as a downloadable PDF file. Download and display in your classroom. Use it to teach about patterns and cycles in the natural world, and changes over time.
    Moon Calendar 2022
    The British Association of Planetaria is pleased to bring you the 2022 Moon calendar as a downloadable PDF file. Download and display in your classroom. Use it to teach about patterns and cycles in the natural world, and changes over time.
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  • IOPSpark is growing bank of over 2000 free, inter-linked IOP education resources and has been designed to give teachers, trainees and teacher trainers a one-stop-destination to access the best physics resources and thinking available.
    IOP Resources
    IOPSpark is growing bank of over 2000 free, inter-linked IOP education resources and has been designed to give teachers, trainees and teacher trainers a one-stop-destination to access the best physics resources and thinking available.
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  • Snap Science is a dynamic, comprehensive programme, packed with inspirational resources, designed to help you deliver outstanding science throughout your school.
    Collins Snap Science
    Snap Science is a dynamic, comprehensive programme, packed with inspirational resources, designed to help you deliver outstanding science throughout your school.
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  • Not knowing your position at sea was one of the great problems of science. In 1714 the government decided to offer a huge prize to the person who could solve the problem. Would it be astronomers or craftsmen who won?
    Finding Longitude
    Not knowing your position at sea was one of the great problems of science. In 1714 the government decided to offer a huge prize to the person who could solve the problem. Would it be astronomers or craftsmen who won?
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