OurFuture.Energy are proud to be working in partnership with the Association for Science Education to produce some exciting new classroom resources
Visit the project page here>>
OurFuture.Energy is an online education resource for 11-16 year olds, which aims to inform young people of the importance of energy in our daily lives, the basic science behind it and the challenges we face in balancing our energy use and supply to meet demand.
Visit the Ourfuture.Energy website here>>
Visitors to the site will be able to access authoritative and credible information based on scientific evidence for homework, projects and to find out the science behind the headlines. Features including articles, games, animations and videos will offer an engaging and relatable insight into the energy sector.
A suite of teacher resources are available on the site that will support dialogue and debates experiences in the classroom. The resources will have practical and accessible ideas to create opportunities for discussions around the energy sector.
The website also encourages young people to pursue an exciting and rewarding career in the energy sector by nurturing an interest in the core science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) subjects. An informed society and skilled workforce is vital for the UK to confront the challenges we face to deliver a secure, affordable and cleaner energy future.
The web resource has been brought to life by partner organisations from across the energy sector including oil and gas, renewables and the nuclear industry. OurFuture.Energy is apolitical and presents content based on scientific evidence and verifiable data in an unbiased way.