Educational Organisations

  • ASE events and conferences offer teacher-led professional development opportunities and are held at UK-wide venues.
    ASE Conferences and Events
    ASE events and conferences offer teacher-led professional development opportunities and are held at UK-wide venues.
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  • Free resources for schools about satellite tracking of ospreys and more about these birds
    World Osprey Week
    Free resources for schools about satellite tracking of ospreys and more about these birds
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  • The Primary Science Committee of the Association for Science Education has launched the Primary Science Survival Guide. It has been developed by the ASE Primary Committee with generous contributions from a variety of experts and is free to primary ASE  members.
    Primary Science Leaders' Survival Guide
    The Primary Science Committee of the Association for Science Education has launched the Primary Science Survival Guide. It has been developed by the ASE Primary Committee with generous contributions from a variety of experts and is free to primary ASE members.
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  • STFC have developed a series of great short films that can be incorporated into lessons or used to introduce new topics. Out 'top pick' is a series of shorts called 'In search of giants'. These are presented by Professor Brian Cox and provide excellent short introductions to topics.
    Short films from STFC
    STFC have developed a series of great short films that can be incorporated into lessons or used to introduce new topics. Out 'top pick' is a series of shorts called 'In search of giants'. These are presented by Professor Brian Cox and provide excellent short introductions to topics.
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  •  This website contains all known Darwin publications, private papers and manuscripts, reproduced to the highest scholarly standards, both as searchable text and images.
    The complete works of Charles Darwin online - AHRC
    This website contains all known Darwin publications, private papers and manuscripts, reproduced to the highest scholarly standards, both as searchable text and images.
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  • Publications and web based biology resources for 14-16 years from BBSRC. Boost your students maths skills with these activities which teach maths through cutting edge biology. Activities range from the statistics needed to plan A-level investigations to teaching Pythagoras through bee flights.
    BBSRC Secondary resources for Age 14-16
    Publications and web based biology resources for 14-16 years from BBSRC. Boost your students maths skills with these activities which teach maths through cutting edge biology. Activities range from the statistics needed to plan A-level investigations to teaching Pythagoras through bee flights.
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  • 'OneZoom is a new way to visualise the tree of life. Zoom down to species level. Now links to ARKive and other sites.
    OneZoom Tree of LIfe
    'OneZoom is a new way to visualise the tree of life. Zoom down to species level. Now links to ARKive and other sites.
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  • Popular science shows that strip science down to its bare essentials, and engage everyone in the world of science and technology. The show includes live lectures, interviews with renowned scientists and live discussion with questions from listeners - Many of which you can link to the curriculum.
    The Naked Scientists
    Popular science shows that strip science down to its bare essentials, and engage everyone in the world of science and technology. The show includes live lectures, interviews with renowned scientists and live discussion with questions from listeners - Many of which you can link to the curriculum.
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  • Inspiring and now world famous videos from Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff and his colleagues at the University of Nottingham chemistry department.
    Periodic Videos
    Inspiring and now world famous videos from Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff and his colleagues at the University of Nottingham chemistry department.
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  • The Climate Change Schools Resources were developed by the Climate Change Schools Project, based at the then Science Learning Centre in Durham and led by Krista McKinzey. A large number of teachers and schools in North East England were involved in their development
    Climate change schools' project resources
    The Climate Change Schools Resources were developed by the Climate Change Schools Project, based at the then Science Learning Centre in Durham and led by Krista McKinzey. A large number of teachers and schools in North East England were involved in their development
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  • Isaac Physics a project designed to offer support and activities in physics problem solving to teachers and students from GCSE level through to university.
    Isaac Physics
    Isaac Physics a project designed to offer support and activities in physics problem solving to teachers and students from GCSE level through to university.
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  • Learn Chemistry Partnership is a free programme to ensure your school makes the most of RSC activities and resources.
    RSC Learn Chemistry Partnership
    Learn Chemistry Partnership is a free programme to ensure your school makes the most of RSC activities and resources.
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  • SpaceMath@NASA introduces students to the use of mathematics in today's scientific discoveries. Through press releases and other articles, it explores how many kinds of mathematics skills come together in exploring the universe.
    Space Math @ NASA
    SpaceMath@NASA introduces students to the use of mathematics in today's scientific discoveries. Through press releases and other articles, it explores how many kinds of mathematics skills come together in exploring the universe.
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  • The National Schools' Observatory provides schools in the UK and Ireland with free access to the Liverpool Telescope. Your school can book time on the Liverpool robotic telescope in the Canary Isles. An exciting resource for schools!
    National Schools Observatory
    The National Schools' Observatory provides schools in the UK and Ireland with free access to the Liverpool Telescope. Your school can book time on the Liverpool robotic telescope in the Canary Isles. An exciting resource for schools!
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  • Metlink is the home for school resources from the Royal Meteorological Society
    Metlink is the home for school resources from the Royal Meteorological Society
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  • Card models to bring ancient creatures to life
    Prehistoric puppets and models
    Card models to bring ancient creatures to life
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  • Discover all the online and free resources available from the British Geological Survey
    BGS Discovering Geology
    Discover all the online and free resources available from the British Geological Survey
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  • A CREST Star activity from Practical Action. Pupils find out  how farmers in Bangladesh can earn more money for their family by turning milk into yoghurt. They go on to make a range of different flavoured yoghurts themselves using a  variety of different types of milk and fruit.
    Yummy Yoghurt Makers
    A CREST Star activity from Practical Action. Pupils find out how farmers in Bangladesh can earn more money for their family by turning milk into yoghurt. They go on to make a range of different flavoured yoghurts themselves using a variety of different types of milk and fruit.
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  • Nuffield Research Placements provide over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.
    Nuffield Research Placements
    Nuffield Research Placements provide over 1,000 students each year with the opportunity to work alongside professional scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians.
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  • Rutland Ospresy runs World Osprey Week and posts photos and information all year round including satellite tracking data on migration flyways.
    Rutland Ospreys
    Rutland Ospresy runs World Osprey Week and posts photos and information all year round including satellite tracking data on migration flyways.
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  • The Society for General Microbiology produce a range of resources for teaching microbiology across the key stages and careers resources. The majority of resources are free to order. or download, from our education website
    SGM Education Resources
    The Society for General Microbiology produce a range of resources for teaching microbiology across the key stages and careers resources. The majority of resources are free to order. or download, from our education website
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  • Suitable for KS2-3 (age 7-14) pupils use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house.
    Beat the Flood
    Suitable for KS2-3 (age 7-14) pupils use their STEM skills to help them design and build a model of a flood- proof house.
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  • A European scheme bringing together students for an annual challenge competition.
    SCI-TECH Challenge
    A European scheme bringing together students for an annual challenge competition.
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  • Mathematics learning and teaching resources for all school ages
    NRICH enriching mathematics
    Mathematics learning and teaching resources for all school ages
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  • Microbiology online has been devised by the Society for General Microbiology, the leading UK professional body for scientists who work in all areas of microbiology. This inspirational online resource supports teaching and learning of microbiology in the classroom across the key stages
    Microbiology Online
    Microbiology online has been devised by the Society for General Microbiology, the leading UK professional body for scientists who work in all areas of microbiology. This inspirational online resource supports teaching and learning of microbiology in the classroom across the key stages
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  • Science and Technology in Society  - Fifteen teaching units
    SATIS Revisited
    Science and Technology in Society - Fifteen teaching units
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  • The most up-to-date, in-depth, interactive teaching and learning resource on Antarctica
    Discovering Antarctica (British Antarctic Survey)
    The most up-to-date, in-depth, interactive teaching and learning resource on Antarctica
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    A joint project of the Nuffield Curriculum Centre and the Biosciences Federation in association with CLEAPSS, providing inspiration and guidance for practical biology.
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    Authoritative guidance for teachers on practical physics from the Nuffield Curriculum Centre and IoP
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    sserc intro
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