Earth Science

  • Break codes like a spy! GCHQ is setting a special Christmas Challenge on Thursday 14 December, and they are keen to get secondary schools and colleges across the country involved.
    GCHQ Christmas Quiz
    Break codes like a spy! GCHQ is setting a special Christmas Challenge on Thursday 14 December, and they are keen to get secondary schools and colleges across the country involved.
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  • MHE & ASE Publications is a new publishing venture born from the merger of Millgate House Education and The Association for Science Education.
    MHE & ASE Publications is a new publishing venture born from the merger of Millgate House Education and The Association for Science Education.
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  • Teaching Vacancies is the free national service for searching and listing teaching roles. Are you looking for a new role or wish to advertise one?
    Teaching Vacancies
    Teaching Vacancies is the free national service for searching and listing teaching roles. Are you looking for a new role or wish to advertise one?
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  • A large blanket of 'sea snot' has recently spread through the Sea of Marmara, south of Istanbul. Find about more about 'sea snot' and World Oceans Day here.
    'Sea snot' plague hits Mediterranean sea
    A large blanket of 'sea snot' has recently spread through the Sea of Marmara, south of Istanbul. Find about more about 'sea snot' and World Oceans Day here.
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  • The British Psychological Society has published new guidance to support education professionals to meet the psychological needs of children as they plan for their return to school during the Coronavirus crisis.
    BPS Back to School Guidance
    The British Psychological Society has published new guidance to support education professionals to meet the psychological needs of children as they plan for their return to school during the Coronavirus crisis.
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  • A collaboration between Siemens and the Girls’ School Association (GSA). TV presenter and scientist Fran Scott presents an interactive, curriculum-linked stage show to build confidence and motivate girls to consider a job using STEM subjects.
    A collaboration between Siemens and the Girls’ School Association (GSA). TV presenter and scientist Fran Scott presents an interactive, curriculum-linked stage show to build confidence and motivate girls to consider a job using STEM subjects.
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  • IOPSpark is growing bank of over 2000 free, inter-linked IOP education resources and has been designed to give teachers, trainees and teacher trainers a one-stop-destination to access the best physics resources and thinking available.
    IOP Resources
    IOPSpark is growing bank of over 2000 free, inter-linked IOP education resources and has been designed to give teachers, trainees and teacher trainers a one-stop-destination to access the best physics resources and thinking available.
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  • OurFuture.Energy is the place to find all the energy themed resources you'll need for your classroom
    OurFuture.Energy is the place to find all the energy themed resources you'll need for your classroom
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  • Diagnose knowledge gaps and intervene at KS3 to enable success at GCSE.
    Collins GCSE Science Ready
    Diagnose knowledge gaps and intervene at KS3 to enable success at GCSE.
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  • A design challenge for students aged 7 to 14. Students look at technologies from the last 100 years and invent a product that could help us lead a more sustainable future.
    Small Is Challenge
    A design challenge for students aged 7 to 14. Students look at technologies from the last 100 years and invent a product that could help us lead a more sustainable future.
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  • Who's most at risk? is an exciting role play activity that enables pupils aged 11-18 years to understand some of the key factors that place people around the world at risk from the effects of natural hazards.
    Who's most at risk
    Who's most at risk? is an exciting role play activity that enables pupils aged 11-18 years to understand some of the key factors that place people around the world at risk from the effects of natural hazards.
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  • Dr Helen, professional palaeontologist and child-friendly scientist, brings evolution, rocks and fossils, games, challenges, knowledge and enthusiasm into your classroom to help you, the teachers, inspire a future generation of scientists & creative thinkers.
    Dr Helen, professional palaeontologist and child-friendly scientist, brings evolution, rocks and fossils, games, challenges, knowledge and enthusiasm into your classroom to help you, the teachers, inspire a future generation of scientists & creative thinkers.
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  • Become a rock detective! This useful free map shows the rocks of Britain and Ireland grouped according to the environment under which they were formed. The accompanying table explains how evidence for past climates can be found in the rocks around us.
    Climate Through Time
    Become a rock detective! This useful free map shows the rocks of Britain and Ireland grouped according to the environment under which they were formed. The accompanying table explains how evidence for past climates can be found in the rocks around us.
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  • 'OneZoom is a new way to visualise the tree of life. Zoom down to species level. Now links to ARKive and other sites.
    OneZoom Tree of LIfe
    'OneZoom is a new way to visualise the tree of life. Zoom down to species level. Now links to ARKive and other sites.
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  • NERC's award winning quarterly magazine contains all the latest environmental science news. A great resource for teachers and students.
    Planet Earth - NERC
    NERC's award winning quarterly magazine contains all the latest environmental science news. A great resource for teachers and students.
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  • Fully matched to the 2014 curriculum and designed to help students secure the key skills, knowledge and interest in science needed to succeed at Key Stage 3 and beyond.
    Collins Key Stage 3 Science, Second Edition
    Fully matched to the 2014 curriculum and designed to help students secure the key skills, knowledge and interest in science needed to succeed at Key Stage 3 and beyond.
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  • The Climate Change Schools Resources were developed by the Climate Change Schools Project, based at the then Science Learning Centre in Durham and led by Krista McKinzey. A large number of teachers and schools in North East England were involved in their development
    Climate change schools' project resources
    The Climate Change Schools Resources were developed by the Climate Change Schools Project, based at the then Science Learning Centre in Durham and led by Krista McKinzey. A large number of teachers and schools in North East England were involved in their development
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  • Short videos on the social impact of volcanic eruptions in St Vincent
    Videos on the social impact of volcanic eruptions
    Short videos on the social impact of volcanic eruptions in St Vincent
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  • Declining calcium levels in some North American lakes are causing major depletions of dominant plankton species.
    Calcium loss turning lakes to ‘jelly’
    Declining calcium levels in some North American lakes are causing major depletions of dominant plankton species.
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  • A website that displays online data submitted by groups or the public
    Met Office Weather Observations Website
    A website that displays online data submitted by groups or the public
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  • Metlink is the home for school resources from the Royal Meteorological Society
    Metlink is the home for school resources from the Royal Meteorological Society
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